§ 23-23.5-2 - Enforcement of order of prohibition.
SECTION 23-23.5-2
§ 23-23.5-2 Enforcement of order ofprohibition. A copy of the order or decree of prohibition under § 23-23.5-1 shall beserved by the city or town sergeant upon the occupant or person having chargeof that building and premises where the trade, employment, or occupation isexercised. If the party upon whom the order is served, for twenty-four (24)hours after that service, refuses or neglects to obey the order or decree, thecity or town council may take all necessary measures to prevent this exercise,and any person continuing to occupy or use the building and premises shallforfeit the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) for every month of the occupancyand use, and in the same proportion for a longer or shorter time, to berecovered by the city or town treasurer in an action of the case.