§ 23-20.8-6 - Suspension and revocation of licenses.
SECTION 23-20.8-6
§ 23-20.8-6 Suspension and revocation oflicenses. Whenever the director shall have reason to believe or that any person licensedunder this chapter to practice massage therapy has been convicted of any sexualoffense, or that any person is practicing massage in violation of this chapteror regulations promulgated under this chapter, the director may, pending aninvestigation and hearing, suspend for a period not exceeding thirty (30) daysany license issued under authority of this chapter and may, after due noticeand hearing, revoke the license if he or she finds that the person practicingmassage is in violation of those rules and regulations or any provision of thischapter. The holder of a license shall upon its revocation promptly surrenderit to the director.