§ 23-20.10-9 - Enforcement.
SECTION 23-20.10-9
§ 23-20.10-9 Enforcement. (a) The director of health shall promulgate such rules and regulationsincluding the complaint forms, as are necessary to carry out the mandates ofthis chapter within one hundred eighty (180) days of passage [June 29,2004].
(b) Notice of the provisions of this chapter shall be givento all applicants for a business license in the state of Rhode Island, to alllaw enforcement agencies, and to any business required to be registered withthe secretary of state's office.
(c) Any citizen who desires to register a complaint underthis chapter may initiate such a complaint with the department of health.
(d) The department of health, having received a written andsigned letter of complaint citing a violation of this chapter, shall enforcethis entire chapter against violations by either of the following actions:
(1) Serving written notice to comply to an employer, with acopy of the notice to the complaining individual, requiring the employer tocorrect immediately any violation or section of this chapter.
(2) Upon receiving a second complaint at the department ofhealth for the same or continued violation by the same employer, the complaintshall be resolved by notifying the city or town solicitor, having jurisdictionover the licensed holder, to initiate, without delay, an action for injunctionto enforce the provisions of this chapter, to cause the correction of suchviolation or section, and for assessment and recovery of a civil penalty forsuch violation.
(e) The department of health, local fire department, or theirdesignees shall, while an establishment is undergoing otherwise mandatedinspections, inspect for compliance with this chapter.
(f) An owner, manager, operator, or employee of anestablishment regulated by this chapter shall inform persons violating thischapter of the appropriate provisions thereof.
(g) In addition to the remedies provided by the provisions ofthis section, the department of health, aggrieved by the failure of the owner,operator, manager or other person in control of a public place or place ofemployment to comply with the provisions of this chapter, may apply forinjunctive relief to enforce those provisions in any court of competentjurisdiction.