§ 23-19-9 - Purposes of the corporation.
SECTION 23-19-9
§ 23-19-9 Purposes of the corporation. (a) The purposes of the corporation shall be:
(1) The planning, design, construction, financing,management, ownership, operation, and maintenance of transfer stations, wasteprocessing facilities, resource recovery facilities, and all other solid wastemanagement facilities deemed necessary by the corporation as being desirable,convenient, or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this chapter;
(2) The provision of solid waste management services tomunicipalities and persons within the state by receiving solid wastes at thecorporation facilities, pursuant to contracts between the corporation and themunicipalities, and persons, the recovery of resources and resource values fromthe solid wastes, and the production from the services and resource recoveryoperations, of revenues sufficient to provide for the support of thecorporation and its operations on a self-sustaining basis with due regard tothe provision of the services at a reasonable cost to the clients it hascontracted with;
(3) The fullest feasible utilization, through contractualarrangements, of private industry for implementation of the corporation's plansand programs, and for any other activities that may be considered necessary,desirable, or convenient by the corporation;
(4) Assistance with and coordination of efforts directedtowards source separation of solid wastes for recycling purposes;
(5) Assistance in the development of industries andcommercial enterprises within the state based upon resource recovery,recycling, and reuse;
(6) Provided, either by contract with a private concern ordirectly by the corporation, or a recycling facility at, or within a convenientdistance of, all solid waste management facilities under the jurisdiction ofthe Rhode Island resource recovery corporation; and
(7) Develop an industrial/business park in the town ofJohnston for points south of Central Pike, west of Old Pocasset Road, to theintersection of Old Pocasset Road and Scituate Avenue, then west of route 295,bounded to the south by the northern shore (mean high water line) of the UpperSimmons Reservoir and the Lower Simmons Reservoir, through the exercise of theeminent domain power and through contractual arrangements.
(b) These purposes shall be considered to be operatingresponsibilities of the corporation, in accordance with the statewide solidwaste management plan, and are to be considered public purposes. It is theintention of this chapter that the corporation shall be granted all powersnecessary to fulfill these purposes and to carry out its assignedresponsibilities, and that the provisions of this chapter are to be construedliberally in furtherance of this intention.