§ 23-19-5 - Definitions.
SECTION 23-19-5
§ 23-19-5 Definitions. The following words and phrases have the meanings ascribed to them in thissection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) "Bonds and notes" means bonds, including withoutlimitation refunding bonds, notes, including without limitation renewal notesand bond anticipation notes, and other obligations or evidences of indebtednessof the corporation issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and theresolutions of the corporation.
(2) "Central landfill" means the central landfill located inJohnston.
(3) "Corporation" means the Rhode Island resource recoverycorporation created and established pursuant to this chapter.
(4) "Landfill revenues" means the surplus, if any, of alltipping fees and other revenues received at the central landfill over theannual costs of the landfill, and a pro-rata share of the corporation'sadministrative expenses.
(5) "Municipal solid waste" means that solid waste generatedby the residents of a municipality in the course of their daily living, thedisposal of which the governing body of that municipality has undertaken in thedischarge of its duties to protect the health of the municipality. Municipalsolid waste does not include solid waste generated by residents of amunicipality in the course of their employment or that generated by anymanufacturing or commercial enterprise.
(6) "Municipal solid waste disposal arrangements" means thosearrangements entered into by a municipality which provide for the finaldisposal of wastes in a manner approved by the department of health, thedepartment of environmental management, and the corporation; provided, however,that the disposal of wastes in transfer stations or facilities for interimstorage shall not constitute final disposal of the wastes.
(7) "Municipality" means any town or city within the state.
(8) "Person" means any individual, firm, institution,partnership, association or corporation, public, or private, organized orexisting under the laws of the state or other states including federalcorporations, but excluding municipalities.
(9) "Project" means the design, acquisition, ownership,operation, construction, rehabilitation, improvement, development, sale, lease,or other disposition of, or the provision of financing for, any solid wastemanagement facility or the industrial and/or business parks in the town ofJohnston authorized by § 23-19-9(a)(7) and the highway access authorizedby § 23-19-10.3.
(10) "Recyclable materials" means those materials separatedfrom solid waste for reuse. The director of the department of environmentalmanagement through regulations shall specify those materials that are to beincluded within the definition of recyclables. The materials to be included maychange from time to time depending upon new technologies, economic conditions,characteristics of the waste stream, environmental effects, or other factors.
(11) "Recycling" means the reuse of recovered resources inmanufacturing, agriculture, power production, or other processes.
(12) "Resource recovery" means the processing of solid wastesin such a way as to produce materials or energy that may be used inmanufacturing, agriculture, and other processes.
(13) "Resource recovery system" means the corporation'sintegrated system of resource recovery consisting of a series of wasteprocessing facilities designed to process a minimum of seventy percent (70%) ofthe municipal and commercial solid waste streams by employing an on-site wasteseparation technology for the purpose of recycling and/or reusing a minimum ofseventy percent (70%) of the solid waste stream, and minimal use of landfillsfor the purpose of providing temporary backup or bypass landfill capacity andresidue disposal from waste processing facilities and any other relatedfacilities and services.
(14) "Resource recovery system costs" means all operatingcosts of the system; debt service and other financing costs related to theresource recovery system; the costs of recycling grants-in-aid and similarobligations of the corporation; allocations for extraordinary and unexpectedcosts; and a pro-rata share of the corporation's administrative expenses.
(15) "Resource recovery system revenues" means all amountsreceived by the corporation as municipal tipping fees, non-municipal tippingfees, energy revenues, revenues from the sale of recyclable materials, and allother revenues received with respect to the resource recovery system, but shallnot include any landfill revenues and any amounts received as a state subsidy.
(16) "Revenues" means monies or income received by thecorporation in whatever form, including but not limited to fees, charges, leasepayments, interest payments on investments, payments due and owing on accountof an instrument, contract, or agreement between the corporation, anymunicipality, or person, gifts, grants, or any other monies or payments towhich the corporation is entitled under the provisions of this chapter or anyother law, or of any agreement, contract, or indenture.
(17) "Segregated solid waste" means material which has beenseparated from the waste stream at the generation source for the purpose ofrecovering and recycling the materials.
(18) "Solid waste" means garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastetreatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution controlfacility and other discarded materials, including solid, liquid, semisolid, orcontained gaseous material generated by residential, institutional, commercial,industrial, and agricultural sources but does not include solids or dissolvedmaterials in domestic sewage.
(19) "Solid waste management facility" means any plant,structure, equipment, and other property, real, personal, or mixed, or themodification or replacement of any of the foregoing, for the receipt, storage,treatment, utilization, processing, transporting, or final disposition of orrecovery of resources from solid waste other than segregated solid waste, orany facility which disposes of solid waste by reconstituting, converting, orotherwise recycling it into material which is not waste; or any property orsystem to be used in whole or in part for any of the previously mentionedpurposes, whether or not another purpose is also served by it; or any otherproperty or system incidental to, or which has to do with, or the end purposeof which, is any of the foregoing; or any combination of two (2) or more of theforegoing.
(20) "Statewide resource recovery system development plan"means that plan which will specify the location, size, and type of solid wastemanagement facilities that may be required to develop an integrated statewideresource recovery system for the effective management of solid waste in RhodeIsland. It will also specify a proposed schedule by which the componentfacilities will be phased into the statewide system, and it will provide forthe administrative and financial requirements for implementing the plan.
(21) "Waste management" means actions taken to effectuate thereceipt, storage, transportation, and processing for resource recovery andrecycling, or for the ultimate disposal, of solid waste.
(22) "Waste processing facility" means a solid waste facilityemploying recycling based technology employing an on-site waste separationtechnology designed to process both nonsource separated and source separatedsolid waste for the purpose of recycling, and/or composting, and/or reusing aminimum of seventy percent (70%) of the municipal and commercial solid wastestreams.