§ 23-19-40 - Utilization of buffer zone Restrictions.
SECTION 23-19-40
§ 23-19-40 Utilization of buffer zone Restrictions. (a) Legislative Purpose. (1) A buffer zone is an area between two (2)different land uses. The purpose of this section is to specifically prohibitusing certain areas of the central landfill buffer zone for the expansion ofany waste operations.
(2) The statutes which created the buffer zone contain nospecific prohibitions on its use. This section is intended to add specificrestrictions to the portion delineated in subsection (b)(1). It is not intendedas authorization for waste operations in other areas of the buffer zone.
(b) Buffer Zone. (1) The Rhode Island resourcerecovery corporation and/or any successor, transferee, or assignee of thecorporation and/or any other governmental entity or agency which conducts asolid waste management disposal business, is prohibited from using any realproperty situated in that triangular shaped area bounded by Central Avenue onthe south and Reservoir Avenue on the east, whether already owned or hereafteracquired, for any extension of the entire operational portion of the centrallandfill, as defined in § 23-19-34, for any other type of waste operation,or for the opening or operation of any recycling or incineration operations.
(2) Any undeveloped real property in the area delineated insubsection (b)(1), that is presently owned or later acquired by the solid wastemanagement corporation or by any successor, transferee or assignee of thecorporation, or by any other governmental entity or agency which conducts asolid waste management or disposal business, shall be converted to and afterthis maintained as a vegetated area in its natural or in an altered vegetativestate; provided, however, that a vegetated area may include public recreationalfacilities.