§ 23-19-37 - Financial accountability.
SECTION 23-19-37
§ 23-19-37 Financial accountability. The general assembly recognizes that the cost of statewide waste disposal isinherently substantial and, therefore, must be subject to effective costcontrol. To this end, the general assembly declares that the corporation shall:
(1) Furnish the house fiscal advisor with a copy of itsproposed budget on or before October 1 of each year.
(2) Submit to the general assembly a quarterly comparison ofactual versus budget for all revenues and expenditures by line item no laterthan thirty (30) days after the close of each quarter.
(3) To prepare and to report each October 1, a five-yearfinancial projection of anticipated general revenue receipts and expenditures,including detail of principal revenue sources and expenditures by major programareas.