§ 23-19-32 - Grants-in-aid.
SECTION 23-19-32
§ 23-19-32 Grants-in-aid. Funds shall be provided by the corporation for a period no longer than three(3) years after a community enters the recycling program to offset reasonablecollection and hauling costs required by instituting separation of recyclables,and for the purposes of offsetting reasonable administrative costs of thedepartment of environmental management, as approved by the department ofadministration. The department of environmental management, in conjunction withthe corporation and with the approval of the department of administration,shall determine reasonable costs, and the corporation shall reimburse citiesand towns from funds so provided, following the same rules and regulationsestablished by the department of administration under § 45-13-9. Theprovisions of this section shall be in lieu of those required under§§ 45-13-7 45-13-10 that shall not apply to this program.