§ 23-19-31 - Recycling facility at central landfill.

SECTION 23-19-31

   § 23-19-31  Recycling facility at centrallandfill. – The Rhode Island resource recovery corporation shall construct a recyclingfacility at the state's central landfill. This facility will receive separatedrecyclable waste as defined by the department of environmental management;provided, that the definition shall include, but not be limited to, plasticmaterials that contain the plastic resins used to produce products labeled (1)through (7) with the numbers clearly marked on the product and contained in atriangle formed by chasing arrows. The products shall be generated as part ofdaily, municipal, non-municipal residential, or commercial activities, and thecorporation shall accept these materials for recycling no later than January 1,2011. Plastic resin by-products, or products produced for industrial use, shallnot be required to be accepted at the recycling facility, unless deemedappropriate for processing by the corporation. The corporation shall use itsreasonable efforts to market the recyclable materials to local commercial usersof the material, including owners/tenants located in any industrial/businesspark developed pursuant to § 23-19-35.1(c), consistent with receivingoptimum prices. The corporation shall also use its reasonable efforts to marketfinished goods made from recyclable materials to local commercial users ofthose goods, and shall offer these goods for sale through a quarterlycompetitive bid process consistent with industry practices. No bid contractshall exceed one calendar year. The corporation shall provide a thirty (30)calendar day prior public notice for any bid contract which would exceed onemonth. Neither the corporation nor any private concern operating the recyclingfacility pursuant to §§ 23-19-3(10) and 23-19-9(a)(6) shall purchaserecyclable materials from the facility or for processing at that facility. Thecorporation will provide this service at no tipping cost to the cities andtowns for materials delivered to the recycling facility.