§ 23-19-23 - Citizen advisory board.
SECTION 23-19-23
§ 23-19-23 Citizen advisory board. The governor shall appoint from among interested citizens of the state eleven(11) members, and the mayor of Johnston shall appoint one member to a citizenssolid waste management advisory board consisting of twelve (12) persons. In themonth of June each year, the governor shall appoint a successor to the memberof the board whose term shall expire in that year, to hold office commencing onthe first day of July in the year of appointment and until the first day ofJuly in the third year after their respective appointments and until theirrespective successors are appointed and qualified. In the month of June uponthe expiration of the terms, the mayor of the town of Johnston shall appoint asuccessor to the member of the board whose term shall expire in that year, tohold office commencing on the first day of July in the year of appointment anduntil the first day of July in the third year after his or her appointment, anduntil his or her successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy which mayoccur in the board shall be filled by the governor or the mayor of Johnston inaccordance with the original manner of appointment, for the duration of theunexpired term. It shall be the role of the citizens advisory board to giveadvice to the corporation concerning rules and regulations and legislationaffecting solid waste management, resource recovery, and recycling; and tostudy the effects of existing recovery and recycling programs, and to annuallyreport its findings to the corporation for inclusion in the annual report andto recommend to the corporation, special studies and projects which it feelsare needed to further economic solid waste management, resource recovery, andrecycling. At least two (2) members of the board shall be designated from timeto time to attend all meetings of the solid waste management corporation. Themembers of the citizen advisory board shall serve without compensation. Theboard shall, at regular intervals, conduct business meetings for the purpose ofcarrying out its general business, and the meetings shall be open to the publicand all records and minutes will be a matter of public record.