§ 23-19-13.4 - Host community assessment committee Definition Funding Powers and duties.
SECTION 23-19-13.4
§ 23-19-13.4 Host community assessmentcommittee Definition Funding Powers and duties. (a) All applicants shall within seven (7) days from the date of the filing fora solid waste disposal license, notify the chief elected official or the chiefexecutive officer of the municipality in which the facility is proposed to besited of the filing for a solid waste disposal license. Within thirty (30) daysof the date of the notice, the municipality may submit to the director arequest for an amount not to exceed seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) forthe establishment of a local host community assessment committee which shallnegotiate with the applicant a host community agreement that includes a hostcommunity benefit package. The host community agreement may address, but shallnot be limited to, traffic concerns, hours of operation, highway improvementsand litter control. The agreements may be over-ridden in the case of emergencyby the director. The host community agreement may provide for benefits to themunicipality, either monetary or nonmonetary which are in addition to thepayments required by subsection (b). The request shall be in writing and shallstate reasons for the requested amount. Within twenty (20) days of the receiptof the written request of the municipality, the director shall determine theamount payable by the applicant for establishment of the local host communityassessment committee based upon the reasons stated in the request. The directorshall notify the applicant and the municipality of the determination and theterms and conditions of payment. The failure of the applicant to comply shallbe considered a withdrawal of the application.
(b) All public solid waste landfill and waste to energyfacilities shall be required to pay to the municipality at minimum a per annumfee of one dollar ($1.00) per ton of solid waste disposed at the site or sevenhundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000), whichever is greater. The directormay, by regulation, determine and impose disposal fees for other solid wastefacilities.