§ 23-19-11.2 - Improvements of the central landfill.
SECTION 23-19-11.2
§ 23-19-11.2 Improvements of the centrallandfill. (a) Under the initial resource recovery system set forth in § 23-19-11.1,it will be necessary to continue to use the central landfill in Johnston for asignificant portion of the state's solid waste. In order to minimize the impacton the community of the use of the central landfill, the state and thecorporation shall implement a central landfill improvement plan as soon aspossible.
(b) The central landfill improvement plan shall include, butshall not be limited to, the following projects:
(1) The installation of city water in certain parts of thewest of Johnston adjoining the landfill or which are impacted by its operation.
(2) Reconstruction of Green Hill Road from Plainfield Pike toShun Pike.
(3) Minimization of visual impact of the central landfill tothe extent possible by the use of fencing, grading, seeding, or the planting ofvegetation and the development of an industrial/business park pursuant to§ 23-19-35.1(c).
(c) The director of the department of administration isauthorized and empowered to make advances from the general fund of the state tothe corporation to fund the improvements set forth in subsection (b). Theadvances shall be returned to the general fund at the time or times that thedirector shall have specified and that the total amount of the advances shallbe returned to the general fund at the time or times that the director shallhave specified, and that the total amount of the outstanding and unreturnedadvances at any one time shall not exceed four million dollars ($4,000,000);and the state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or her ordersupon the general treasurer for the payment of the advances upon receipt by himor her of proper vouchers signed by the director of administration; and thecorporation shall repay the advances with proceeds of the bonds or notes issuedby the corporation to permanently fund the improvements or from othercorporation funds.