§ 23-19-11.1 - Initial resource recovery system development plan.
SECTION 23-19-11.1
§ 23-19-11.1 Initial resource recoverysystem development plan. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 23-19-11, in view of current solidwaste disposal needs in the state, the corporation shall implement a solidwaste processing system as soon as possible conforming to the followingcriteria:
(1) The system shall consist of a waste processing facilitythat may be either publicly or privately owned with a nameplate capacity not toexceed one thousand (1,000) tons per day.
(2) The facilities shall be located at the central landfillin Johnston.
(3) Any energy revenues which may be generated by thefacilities may inure to the benefit of either the corporation or the vendor orboth.
(4) The corporation shall select through competitive bidding,vendors to construct, operate, maintain, and/or own these facilities.
(5) The state auditor general shall review and evaluate thereasonableness and fairness of all contracts and agreements related to theconstruction, operation, and maintenance of the facilities. The corporationshall test residue of facilities at least semi-annually.
(6) In choosing vendors for the facilities, preference shallbe given to vendors who:
(i) Provide private financing and privately own thefacilities with minimal or no financial risk to the corporation or state;
(ii) Provide a waste processing facility technology thaton-site separates, recovers for recycling and composting the highest percentageof the waste stream and lowest amount of residue;
(iii) Demonstrate the highest number of primary and secondarymarkets for materials recovered from the waste stream and alternative materialuses in the event a material market fails or becomes economically infeasible;
(iv) Can provide the greatest degree of flexibility in thetype of materials outputted from the facility in order to adjust to changingmarkets for recovered materials; and
(v) Guarantee a fixed rate tipping fee and/or fixedescalation rate of tipping fees for the longest time periods.
(7) In an effort to reduce energy costs and resulting tippingfees at the facilities, the corporation may consider the use of a natural gascogeneration unit as an integral part of the facility provided that the maximumoutput of the cogeneration unit does not exceed twenty-five (25) megawatts. Theinclusion or addition of a gas cogeneration component shall not delay thepermitting, construction and operation of the facilities and the gascogeneration components may be added to the facilities after construction oroperation of the facilities begins.
(8) In addition to any source separation programs forhousehold hazardous waste, the facilities shall have the capacity to separatehousehold hazardous wastes and hazardous wastes from the waste stream and itshall be the responsibility of the corporation to provide for proper disposalof those hazardous wastes at a licensed facility. The corporation may enter anagreement with the facility vendor to provide for proper disposal.