§ 23-19-11 - Planning requirements.
SECTION 23-19-11
§ 23-19-11 Planning requirements. Planning responsibilities of the corporation shall include, but not be limitedto:
(1) The preparation of a statewide resource recovery systemdevelopment plan which will indicate the location, type, and size of solidwaste management facilities, including without limitation, transfer stations,waste processing facilities, and ultimate disposal facilities which may berequired to serve the future needs of the state and its municipalities throughthe development of an integrated statewide resource recovery system for theeffective management of solid waste;
(2) The plan shall be in conformity with the applicableprovisions of the state guide plan;
(3) The plan will be subject to amendment;
(4) In developing the plan, the corporation will assure that:
(i) The orderly extension of future solid waste facilitiesand management systems are provided for in a manner consistent with the needsand plans of the whole area, and in a manner consistent with the statedepartments of health and environmental management rules and regulations forlocating and operating solid waste facilities;
(ii) All aspects of planning, zoning, population estimates,engineering, and economics are taken into consideration to delineate with allpractical precision those portions of the area which may reasonably be expectedto be served by a given time frame, as determined by the corporation;
(iii) Appropriate time schedules are set for the phasing inof the required component parts of the system.
(iv) Future solid waste disposal facilities shall be regionalin size and emphasize the geographic and political nature of the surroundingarea.
(5) In the interim prior to the completion of the statewideplan, the corporation is authorized to develop component facilities as may berequired to carry out the purposes of this chapter; provided, however, uponcompletion of the plan, all projects of the corporation undertaken thereaftershall be in conformity with the plan; and
(6) The corporation shall cooperate with the department ofenvironmental management and other state and local agencies in the developmentof a comprehensive statewide solid waste management plan, of which thecorporation's statewide resource recovery system development plan shall be acomponent part. Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted as limiting theauthority of the department of environmental management to prepare a statewide,comprehensive, solid waste management plan, including, but not limited to, anyplan required by any federal law, rules, or regulations to meet federalrequirements that may be conditions precedent to receiving federal assistance.
(7) The plan shall not include incineration of solid waste.
(8) The plan shall limit the use of landfills to providingtemporary backup or bypass disposal capacity and residue disposals from wasteprocessing facilities. The plan shall also seek to minimize landfilling of anytype of waste and phase out the use of landfills for waste disposal.
(9) The plan shall include composting of yard waste and otherappropriate organic wastes.
(10) The plan shall consider the financial feasibility ofmodifying, curtailing, or supplanting the provisions of chapter 19.1 of thistitle in light of the requirements for waste processing facilities.
(11) The plan shall primarily rely on a system of wasteprocessing facilities.
(12) The plan shall provide that the corporation activelypursue research and develop new uses for materials recovered from solid wasteto maximize revenue from recycled materials.