§ 23-19.15-5 - Inspection.
SECTION 23-19.15-5
§ 23-19.15-5 Inspection. (a) Unless exempted under subsection 23-19.15-8(a), the owner of propertyserved by a cesspool in the following areas shall cause an inspection to beperformed on said cesspool by a system inspector in accordance with a scheduleestablished by the department, but no later than January 1, 2012:
(1) Which cesspool is within two hundred feet (200') of theinland edge of a shoreline feature bordering a tidal water area[corresponding to the jurisdiction of the RI Coastal Resources ManagementCouncil];
(2) Which cesspool is within two hundred feet (200') of apublic drinking water well; and
(3) Which cesspool is within two hundred feet (200') of asurface drinking water supply, specifically the impoundment from which water isdrawn via the intake.
The inspection shall be conducted and reported in accordancewith procedures required by the department, and the results shall be recordedon forms prescribed by the department.
(b) Pursuant to § 5-20.8-13, every contract for thepurchase and sale of real estate which is or may be served by a privatecesspool, shall provide that potential purchasers be permitted a ten (10) dayperiod, unless the parties mutually agree upon a different period of time, toconduct an inspection of the property's on-site sewage system in accordancewith procedures required by the department in subsection 23-19.15-5(a), beforebecoming obligated under the contract to purchase.