§ 23-19.14-13 - Authority to recover costs.
SECTION 23-19.14-13
§ 23-19.14-13 Authority to recover costs. (a) The head of any department or state agency with authority to undertake aresponse action under this chapter may consider, compromise, and settle a claimfor costs incurred by their department or agency.
(b) Cost recovery actions may include, upon recommendation bythe economic development corporation, surrender of title to the site to thestate to facilitate economic redevelopment and future beneficial re-use of theproperty.
(c) If a responsible party fails to pay a claim that has beensettled under this subsection, the department or agency head may request theattorney general to bring a civil action or may sue in his or her own name torecover the amount of a claim, plus costs, attorneys' fees, and interest fromthe date of the settlement. In the action, the terms of the settlement shallnot be subject to review.