§ 23-19.1-5 - Applicability of chapter.
SECTION 23-19.1-5
§ 23-19.1-5 Applicability of chapter. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to apply to any discharge whichis authorized by a NPDES (national pollutant discharge elimination system)permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 etseq., or which is authorized under chapter 12 of title 46.
(b) This chapter shall not apply to any activity or substancewhich is subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 42 U.S.C. § 2011 etseq., except to the extent that the application or regulation is consistentwith and does not exceed the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act or otherfederal laws or regulations relating to radioactive materials or substance.
(c) With respect to the appropriate provisions of pertinentfederal and state statutes regarding air, land, and water resources, thedirector shall integrate all provisions of this chapter for purposes ofadministration and enforcement and shall avoid duplication to the maximumextent practicable. The integration shall be effected only to the extent thatit can be done in a manner consistent with the goals and policies expressed inthis chapter and in other acts pertaining to air, land, and water resources.