§ 23-19.1-35 - Denial or revocation of hazardous waste material driver's certificate.
SECTION 23-19.1-35
§ 23-19.1-35 Denial or revocation ofhazardous waste material driver's certificate. (a) The department of environmental management shall deny any application forthe issuance of a hazardous waste materials driver's certificate made by anapplicant who has been convicted, within the last three (3) years preceding theapplicant's application for the certificate, of any violation involving drivingwhile under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or both, or recklessdriving, or the applicant's driving privilege is, or has been, undersuspension, revocation, or probation by the division for a cause involvingunsafe operation of a motor vehicle.
(b) The department of environmental management shall revokethe hazardous waste materials drivers' certificate of any holder, who, afterissuance of the certificate, is convicted of any violation of driving under theinfluence of intoxicating liquor, or drugs, or both, or reckless driving, orwho has had the driving privilege suspended or revoked by the division of motorvehicles for a cause involving the unsafe operation of a motor vehicle, or isfound by the division to be a negligent operator.
(c) The department of environmental management may revoke thehazardous waste materials driver's certificate of any holder for any cause,whether existing before or after the issuance of the certificate, which wouldeither authorize or require the department of environmental management torefuse to issue a certificate.
(d) The division of motor vehicles shall provide records tothe department of environmental management pursuant to the requirements of thischapter.