§ 23-19.1-12 - Inspections Penalty for hindering entry.
SECTION 23-19.1-12
§ 23-19.1-12 Inspections Penaltyfor hindering entry. (a) For the purposes of enforcing this chapter or any rule or regulation issuedpursuant to this chapter, the director may:
(1) Enter any hazardous waste management facility or anyplace that the director has reason to believe hazardous wastes are generated,stored, treated, or disposed of;
(2) Inspect vehicles which the director has reasonable groundto believe are being used for the transportation of hazardous wastes;
(3) Inspect and obtain samples of any waste or othersubstance, labels, containers of waste or other substance, or samples from anyvehicle in which hazardous wastes are transported or in which the director hasreason to believe hazardous wastes are transported; and
(4) Inspect and copy records, reports, information, or testresults kept or maintained at a hazardous waste management facility.
(b) Any person obstructing or hindering, or in any waycausing to be obstructed or hindered, the director from the performance of hisor her duties, or who shall refuse to permit the director entrance to anypremises, building, vehicle, plant, or equipment, in the performance of thedirector's duties, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more thanfive hundred dollars ($500).