§ 23-18-7 - Re-interment of bodies in structure becoming health menace.
SECTION 23-18-7
§ 23-18-7 Re-interment of bodies instructure becoming health menace. Whenever a mausoleum, vault, crypt, or similar structure previously orhereafter erected and containing one or more deceased human bodies, shall, inthe opinion of the city or town where the structure is located, become a menaceto public health, and the owner or owners of the structure fail to repair orremove the structure to the satisfaction of the city or town, any court ofcompetent jurisdiction may order the person, association, or other agencyowning the structure to remove the body or bodies for interment in somesuitable cemetery at the expense of the person, association, or other agencyowning the mausoleum, vault, crypt, or similar structure. When no person,association, or any representative of any agency can be found in the countywhere the mausoleum, vault, crypt, or similar structure is located, then theremoval and interment shall be at the expense of the cemetery or other agencywhere the mausoleum, vault, crypt, or similar structure may be located.