§ 23-18.9-5 - Disposal of refuse at other than a licensed facility.
SECTION 23-18.9-5
§ 23-18.9-5 Disposal of refuse at otherthan a licensed facility. (a) No person shall dispose of solid waste at other than a solid wastemanagement facility licensed by the director, except as otherwise provided inthis chapter.
(b) The phrase "dispose of solid waste", as prohibited inthis section, refers to the depositing, casting, throwing, leaving orabandoning of a quantity greater than three (3) cubic yards of solid waste.Used asphalt, concrete, Portland concrete cement, and solid waste temporarilyin a vehicle or proper receptacle at a licensed place of business of a licensedsolid waste hauler for a period not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours shall notbe considered solid waste for purposes of this chapter.