§ 23-18.9-3 - Grants-in-aid.
SECTION 23-18.9-3
§ 23-18.9-3 Grants-in-aid. (a) Funds annually appropriated by the general assembly for the purposes ofthis chapter shall not exceed forty cents ($.40) per capita as determined fromthe latest available federal census of population for the state.
(b) Sixty-two and one-half percent (62.5%) of the total shallbe apportioned to each community in the state, eighty percent (80%) on thebasis of the ratio of the population of each community to the total populationof the state, as determined by the latest available federal census ofpopulation, and twenty percent (20%) on the basis of the ratio of the number ofemployees located in each community to the total number of persons employed inthe state, as reported for the month of December each year by the department ofemployment and training; provided, however, that Block Island is reported forthe month of July. To be eligible to receive these funds, a community mustfirst meet the requirements of § 23-18.9-1.
(c) The remaining thirty-seven and one-half percent (37.5%)of the funds shall be apportioned by the same formula as the sixty-two andone-half percent (62.5%) of the funds described in subsection (b), and shall bedistributed to each community which is a part of a duly authorized arrangementinvolving more than one community, which satisfies any rules and regulationswhich may be reasonably established by the department of environmentalmanagement concerning inter-local refuse disposal activities or which is a partof any refuse disposal district created by the general assembly.