§ 23-18.9-16 - Beneficial reuse of solid waste.
SECTION 23-18.9-16
§ 23-18.9-16 Beneficial reuse of solidwaste. (a) The director may approve proposals for the environmentally beneficial reuseof solid waste in a municipality in order to save natural resources byproviding alternative materials for projects that would otherwise use newmaterials and preserve landfill space by removing materials from the wastestream that would otherwise be landfilled. In determining whether a solid wastecan be safely used as a beneficial reuse material, the director may considerfactors such as the physical and chemical characteristics of the solid waste inquestion, the proposed use of the waste, and the location where the waste isproposed to be used according to criteria established by rule or policy as thedirector deems appropriate. All proposals to use a solid waste as a beneficialreuse material shall be made in writing to the director in the form of anapplication for a beneficial use determination or BUD. No person may process,store, transport, dispose or otherwise use any solid waste for beneficial reuseunless they have first obtained the written approval of the director in theform of a BUD, unless specifically provided for elsewhere in this chapter.
All beneficial reuse material proposals approved by thedirector shall include the following:
(1) Public notice in a newspaper of general circulation;
(2) A notice to the manager or mayor and council of themunicipality in question;
(3) A hearing to be held in the municipality affected.
(b) All persons applying for a BUD that proposes the reuse ofmore than three (3) cubic yards of solid waste in one location shall forward acopy of their application to the municipality where the beneficial reusematerial will be used.
(c) The director may require any person involved in thestorage, handling, processing or use of solid waste for beneficial reuse toprovide financial assurance that:
(1) The project approved in the BUD will be completed; and/or
(2) Any unused solid waste/beneficial reuse material will beproperly removed and disposed of either upon completion of the project or ifproject operations cease for any reason.