§ 23-18.13-6 - Certificate of compliance.
SECTION 23-18.13-6
§ 23-18.13-6 Certificate of compliance. (a) A certificate of compliance stating that a package or packaging componentis in compliance with the requirements of this chapter shall be furnished byits manufacturer or supplier to its purchaser; provided, however, wherecompliance is achieved under the exemption(s) provided in §23-18.13-5(a)(2) and (3), the certificate shall state the specific basis uponwhich the exemption is claimed. The certificate of compliance shall be signedby an authorized official of the manufacturing or supplying company. Thepurchaser shall retain the certificate of compliance for as long as the packageor packaging component is in use. A copy of the certificate of compliance shallbe kept on file by the manufacturer or supplier of the package or packagingcomponent. Certificates of compliance, or copies, shall be furnished to thedepartment of environmental management upon its request and to members of thepublic in accordance with § 23-18.13-9.
(b) If the manufacturer or supplier of the package orpackaging component reformulates or creates a new package or packagingcomponent, the manufacturer or supplier shall provide an amended or newcertificate of compliance for the reformulated or new package or packagingcomponent.