§ 23-17-5.2 - Additional information required for license renewal of all nursing facilities.

SECTION 23-17-5.2

   § 23-17-5.2  Additional informationrequired for license renewal of all nursing facilities. – (a) At least once every two (2) years, the department shall gather informationfrom state departments and agencies relating to the experience andqualifications of the nursing facility applicant for relicensure.

   (b) Effective January 1, 2006, any nursing facility applyingfor renewal of its license that contracts with a management company to assistwith the facility's operation shall file a copy of the management contract withthe department including the management fee and, if the management company is acorporation or limited liability company, shall identify every person having anownership interest of five percent (5%) or more in such corporation or limitedliability company and, if the management company is a general partnership orlimited partnership, shall identify all general or limited partners of suchgeneral partnership or limited partnership.

   (c) Any nursing facility with any significant changes in itsmanagement contract shall submit a copy of the revised management contract tothe department within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the newcontract provisions.