§ 23-17-38.1 - Hospitals – Licensing fee.

SECTION 23-17-38.1

   § 23-17-38.1  Hospitals – Licensingfee. – (a) There is also imposed a hospital licensing fee at the rate of five and fourhundred seventy-three thousandths percent (5.473%) upon the net patientservices revenue of every hospital for the hospital's first fiscal year endingon or after January 1, 2007. This licensing fee shall be administered andcollected by the tax administrator, division of taxation within the departmentof administration, and all the administration, collection and other provisionsof chapters 50 and 51 of title 14 shall apply. Every hospital shall pay thelicensing fee to the tax administrator on or before July 13, 2009 and paymentsshall be made by electronic transfer of monies to the general treasurer anddeposited to the general fund in accordance with § 44-50-11. Everyhospital shall, on or before June 15, 2009, make a return to the taxadministrator containing the correct computation of net patient servicesrevenue for the hospital fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and thelicensing fee due upon that amount. All returns shall be signed by thehospital's authorized representative, subject to the pains and penalties ofperjury.

   (b) There is also imposed a hospital licensing fee at therate of five and two hundred thirty-seven thousandths percent (5.237%) upon thenet patient services revenue of every hospital for the hospital's first fiscalyear ending on or after January 1, 2008. This licensing fee shall beadministered and collected by the tax administrator, division of taxationwithin the department of administration, and all the administration, collectionand other provisions of chapters 50 and 51 of title 14 shall apply. Everyhospital shall pay the licensing fee to the tax administrator on or before July12, 2010 and payments shall be made by electronic transfer of monies to thegeneral treasurer and deposited to the general fund in accordance with §44-50-11. Every hospital shall, on or before June 14, 2010, make a return tothe tax administrator containing the correct computation of net patientservices revenue for the hospital fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, andthe licensing fee due upon that amount. All returns shall be signed by thehospital's authorized representative, subject to the pains and penalties ofperjury.

   (c) For purposes of this section the following words andphrases have the following meanings:

   (1) "Hospital" means a person or governmental unit dulylicensed in accordance with this chapter to establish, maintain, and operate ahospital, except a hospital whose primary service and primary bed inventory arepsychiatric.

   (2) "Gross patient services revenue" means the gross revenuerelated to patient care services.

   (3) "Net patient services revenue" means the charges relatedto patient care services less (i) charges attributable to charity care, (ii)bad debt expenses, and (iii) contractual allowances.

   (d) The tax administrator shall make and promulgate anyrules, regulations, and procedures not inconsistent with state law and fiscalprocedures that he or she deems necessary for the proper administration of thissection and to carry out the provisions, policy and purposes of this section.

   (e) The licensing fee imposed by this section shall be inaddition to the inspection fee imposed by § 23-17-38 and to any licensingfees previously imposed in accordance with § 23-17-38.1.