§ 23-17-12.9 - Resident and family notification.

SECTION 23-17-12.9

   § 23-17-12.9  Resident and familynotification. – The director shall establish regulations which: (1) notify the resident, or hisor her legal representative, the resident's family representative, theresident's attending physicians of record and the nursing facility's medicaldirector, if that resident has been found to be in immediate jeopardy to healthand safety; (2) notify all facility residents, or their legal representatives,their family representatives, their attending physicians and the nursingfacility's medical director, whenever a nursing facility is cited forsubstandard quality of care as defined in 42 CFR 488.301 or successorregulation; and (3) provide for notification of changes regarding residentcondition as provided in federal regulation 42 CFR 483.10 or successorregulation. A facility citation for substandard quality of care shall beconsidered to be a public record ten (10) days following the citation, or upondepartmental approval of the corresponding plan of correction, whichever issooner.

   For purposes of this section, "immediate jeopardy to healthand safety" means a situation which the institution's noncompliance with one ormore state or federal requirements or conditions has caused, or is likely tocause, serious injury, harm, impairment or death to a resident receiving carein the institution.