§ 23-17.7.1-10 - Regulations, inspections, and investigations.
SECTION 23-17.7.1-10
§ 23-17.7.1-10 Regulations, inspections,and investigations. The licensing agency shall, after a public hearing pursuant to chapter 35 oftitle 42, give notice, adopt, amend, promulgate, and enforce any rules andregulations and standards with respect to nursing service agencies to belicensed under this chapter that may be designed to further the accomplishmentof the purposes of this chapter in promoting safe and adequate care ofindividuals receiving nursing and nursing assistant services, in the interestof public health, safety, and welfare. All licensed nursing service agenciesshall be required to protect clients by insuring that all persons whom itemploys receive training and/or competency evaluation pursuant to theprovisions of §§ 23-17.9-3 and 23-17.7-11. The licensing agency shallmake or cause to be made any inspections and investigations that it deemsnecessary including service records.