§ 23-17.3-2 - Membership.
SECTION 23-17.3-2
§ 23-17.3-2 Membership. The council shall be comprised of forty-one (41) members, as follows: thelieutenant governor or designee; the secretary of state or designee; thedirector of the department of health or designee; the director of thedepartment of human services or designee; the director of the department ofmental health, retardation, and hospitals or designee; the attorney general ordesignee; the director of the department of elderly affairs or designee; thechair of the Rhode Island advisory commission on aging or designee; thepresident of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Association of RetiredPersons (AARP) or designee; the director of the Alliance for Long-term Care ordesignee; the president of the Rhode Island Senior Center Directors Associationor designee; the executive director of the Rhode Island chapter of theAlzheimer's Association or designee; a representative of a long-term careprovider organization other than a nursing home owner, a representative of along-term care service provider that primarily serves persons with mentalretardation or developmental disabilities and a representative of an assistedliving residence other than a nursing home, to be appointed by the governor; arepresentative of a not-for-profit nursing home to be appointed by thelieutenant governor; five (5) citizens of the state with no direct or indirectinterest in nursing home ownership who have demonstrated concern for the careof the elderly, two (2) of whom shall be appointed by the lieutenant governor,two (2) of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives, and one of whom shall be appointed by the President of thesenate; a representative of an adult day care center to be appointed by thespeaker; a representative of senior housing to be appointed by the lieutenantgovernor; a representative of a not-for-profit home health care agency to beappointed by the speaker; a representative of a for profit home health careagency to be appointed by the speaker; and a representative of a communitymental health center, to be appointed by the president of the senate; aregistered nurse experienced in the care of the elderly, to be appointed by thegovernor; a representative of nonmanagerial nursing home employees, to beappointed by the lieutenant governor; three (3) members of the house, not morethan two (2) from the same political party, to be appointed by the speaker; anursing home owner, to be appointed by the speaker; two (2) members of thesenate, not more than one from the same political party to be appointed by thepresident of the senate; one consumer of home and community based care to beappointed by the speaker from a list of three (3) submitted by the chairpersonof the independent living council; one consumer of home and community basedcare to be appointed by the president of the senate from a list of three (3)submitted by the chairperson of the Governor's Council on Mental Health; amember of the public representing the interests of parents of children withspecial care needs to be appointed by the president of the senate; a familymember of a person with developmental disabilities to be appointed by thespeaker of the house; a person with developmental disabilities or arepresentative of an organization that advocates for the rights of persons withdevelopmental disabilities to be appointed by the lieutenant governor; ageneral physician to be appointed by the president of the senate and apsychiatrist specializing in the medical problems of the elderly, to beappointed by the lieutenant governor. Members of the general public may beappointed in lieu of legislators, provided that at least one member shall beappointed from the house and one from the senate, and the appointments shall bemade by the same authority as for the legislators supplanted. The members ofthe council shall serve two (2) year terms, expiring on the second anniversaryof each individual's appointment or on the date that their respectivesuccessors are appointed and qualified, whichever is later.