§ 23-17.24-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 23-17.24-1
§ 23-17.24-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Manager" means any person who has responsibility forday-to-day administration or operation of an adult supportive care home. Amanager must be a licensed health care professional designated by the licenseeand approved by the department.
(2) "Adult supportive care home" means: (i) A publicly orprivately operated residence that provides, directly or indirectly, by means ofcontracts or arrangements, personal assistance to meet the resident's changingneeds and preferences, lodging, and meals to two (2), but not more than five(5), adults who are unrelated to the licensee or manager, excluding, however,any privately operated establishment or facility licensed pursuant to chapter17 of this title, and those facilities licensed by or under the jurisdiction ofthe department of mental health, retardation, and hospitals, the department ofchildren, youth, and families, or any other state agency; and (ii) Shall be aduly licensed home nursing care provider or nursing facility licensed pursuantto the provisions of chapter 23-17, an assisted living residence providerlicensed pursuant to chapter 23-17.4 or a licensed adult day services providerlicensed pursuant to chapter 23-1.
(3) "Capable of self-preservation" means the physicalmobility and judgmental ability of the individual to take appropriate action inemergency situations. Residents not capable of self- preservation are limitedto facilities that meet more stringent life safety code requirements asprovided under subdivision 23-17.4-6(b)(3).
(4) "Director" means the director of the Rhode Islanddepartment of health.
(5) "Personal assistance" means the provision of one or moreof the following services, as required by the resident or as reasonablyrequested by the resident, on a scheduled or unscheduled basis, including: (i)Assisting the resident with personal needs including activities of dailyliving, defined as bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, toileting, mobility andtransfer; (ii) Assisting the resident with self-administration of medication oradministration of medications by appropriately licensed staff; (iii) Providingor assisting the resident in arranging for health and supportive services asmay be reasonably required; (iv) Monitoring the activities of the residentwhile on the premises of the residence to ensure his or her health, safety, andwell-being; and (v) Reasonable recreational, social and personal services.
(6) "Resident" means an individual not requiring acutemedical or skilled nursing care as provided in a health care facility but who,as a result of choice and/or physical or mental limitation, requires personalassistance, lodging and meals and may require the administration of medication.A resident must be capable of self-preservation in emergency situations, unlessthe facility meets a more stringent life safety code as required undersubdivision 23-17.4-6(b)(3). Persons needing medical or skilled nursing care,including daily professional observation and evaluation, as provided in ahealth care facility, and/or persons who are bed bound or in need of theassistance of more than one person for ambulation are not appropriate to residein adult supportive care homes. However, an established resident may receivedaily skilled nursing care or therapy from a licensed health care provider fora condition that results from a temporary illness or injury for up toforty-five (45) days subject to an extension of additional days as approved bythe department, or if the resident is under the care of a licensed hospiceagency provided the adult supportive care home assumes responsibility forensuring that the care is received. For purposes of this statute, "resident"shall also mean the resident's agent as designated in writing or legal guardian.