§ 23-17.17-10 - Reporting requirements for the health care database.
SECTION 23-17.17-10
§ 23-17.17-10 Reporting requirements forthe health care database. (a) Insurers, health care providers, health care facilities and governmentalagencies shall file reports, data, schedules, statistics or other informationdetermined by the director to be necessary to carry out the purposes of thischapter. The reports required by this chapter shall be accepted by the directorin any certification commission for health care information technology("CCHIT") certified form. Such information may include:
(1) health insurance claims and enrollment information usedby health insurers;
(2) information relating to hospital finance; and
(3) any other information relating to health care costs,prices, quality, utilization, or resources required to be filed by the director.
(b) The comprehensive health care information system shallnot collect any data that contains direct personal identifiers. For thepurposes of this section "direct personal identifiers" includes informationrelating to an individual that contains primary or obvious identifiers, such asthe individual's name, street address, e-mail address, telephone number andsocial security number. All data submitted to the director pursuant to thischapter shall be protected by the removal of all personal identifiers and theassignment by the insurer to each subscriber record of a unique identifier notlinked to any personally identifiable information.