§ 23-17.11-4 - Powers and duties of director.
SECTION 23-17.11-4
§ 23-17.11-4 Powers and duties ofdirector. (a) The director shall promulgate any rules and regulations pertaining tonursing facilities that he or she shall determine are necessary and proper tocarry out the purposes of this chapter and shall establish a process fornotification of quality of care concerns, survey results and enforcementactions to residents and their families, residents' legal representative andhealth care providers, the long-term care ombudsman, and the public.
(b) The director shall have proper standing and is authorizedto bring suit in the superior court to enforce the provisions of this chapter.The attorney general or his or her designee shall represent the director in theproceeding, including any ancillary proceeding and any appeals resulting fromthe proceeding.
(c) The facility shall be responsible for all costsassociated with this chapter in an amount to be determined by the director orthe attorney general, subject to the approval of the superior court.
(d) For the purposes of this chapter, any nursing facilitylicensed under chapter 17 of this title shall provide on demand to the directorof the department of health, the director of the department of human servicesand the attorney general any and all documents referring or relating to thefinancial management of the facility, including, but not limited to; liens;Medicaid cost reports; accounts receivable; accounts payable; monthly unauditedfinancial statements; audited, reviewed or compiled financial statements asprepared in the ordinary course of business; contracts with related parties;tax returns related to indebtedness; payroll and staffing; state taxes andfederal taxes.