§ 23-17.10-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 23-17.10-1
§ 23-17.10-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter the following words, unless the context clearlyrequires otherwise, have the following meanings:
(1) "Administrative penalty" means a monetary penalty not toexceed the civil penalty specified by statute or, where not specified bystatute, an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), plus interest.
(2) "Director" means the director of the department of healthor his or her duly authorized agent.
(3) "Health care facility" has the same meaning as containedin the regulations promulgated by the director of health pursuant to chapter 17of this title.
(4) "Person" means any agency or political subdivision of thestate, any state, public or private corporation or authority, individual,trust, firm, joint stock company, partnership, association, or other entity orany group of them or any officer, employee, or agent of them.
(5) "Skilled or intermediate care facility" has the samemeaning as contained in regulations promulgated by the director of healthpursuant to chapter 17 of this title.