§ 23-16.1-3 - Rhode Island members on board.
SECTION 23-16.1-3
§ 23-16.1-3 Rhode Island members on board. Upon the compact becoming operative, the governor shall appoint the three (3)resident members from Rhode Island who shall serve in accordance with articleII of the compact for terms of one, two (2), and three (3) years, respectively,and until their successors are appointed and qualified. In the month of May ineach year, the governor shall appoint one resident member to hold office untilthe first day of June in the third (3rd) year after his or her appointment, anduntil his or her successor is appointed and qualified, to succeed the memberwhose term shall next expire. Any vacancy in membership shall be filled byappointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. At all times one of theresident members shall be a representative of a non-profit or governmentalagency or organization involved in the provision of health services; oneresident member shall be a person who at the time of his or her appointment bythe governor is a member of the general assembly; and one resident member shallbe a citizen representative of the general public. All members shall servewithout compensation but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement forreasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of theirduties.