§ 23-16.1-1 - Compact authorized.
SECTION 23-16.1-1
§ 23-16.1-1 Compact authorized. The governor, on behalf of the state, is authorized and directed to execute acompact, substantially in the following form, with any one or more of thestates of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont:
New England Health Services and Facilities Compact
Article I
The purpose of the New England health services and facilitiescompact shall be to provide the highest quality of health services andfacilities through the establishment and maintenance of a coordinated programfor the persons residing in the several states of New England, parties to thecompact, with the aim of mutual assistance, planning for improvement of healthservices and facilities, transmitting new knowledge, and training andrecruitment of health personnel.
Article II
There is hereby created and established a New England boardof health services and facilities hereinafter known as the board which shall bean agency of each state party to the compact. The board shall be a bodycorporate and politic, having the powers, duties and jurisdiction hereinenumerated and such other and additional powers as shall be conferred upon itby the concurrent act or acts of the compacting states. The board shall consistof three (3) resident members from each compacting state, chosen in the mannerand for the terms provided by law of the several states parties to this compact.
Article III
This compact shall become operative immediately as to thosestates executing it whenever any two (2) or more of the states of Maine,Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island or Connecticut haveexecuted it in the form which is in accordance with the laws of the respectivecompacting states.
Article IV
The board shall annually elect from its members a chair andvice-chair and shall appoint and at its pleasure remove or discharge saidofficers. It may appoint and employ an executive secretary and may employ suchstenographic, clerical, technical, or legal personnel as shall be necessary,and at its pleasure remove or discharge such personnel. It shall adopt a sealand suitable by-laws and shall promulgate any and all rules and regulationswhich may be necessary for the conduct of its business. It may maintain anoffice or offices within the territory of the compacting states and may meet atany time or place. Meetings shall be held at least twice each year. A majorityof the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, butno action of the board imposing any obligation on any compacting state shall bebinding unless a majority of the members from such compacting state shall havevoted in favor thereof. Where meetings are planned to discuss matters relevantto problems of health affecting only certain of the compacting states, theboard may vote to authorize special meetings of the board members of suchstates. The board shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts anddisbursements and shall make an annual report to the governor and thelegislature of each compacting state setting forth in detail the operations andtransactions conducted by it pursuant to this compact, and shall makerecommendations for any legislative action deemed by it advisable, includingamendments to the statutes of the compacting states which may be necessary tocarry out the intent and purpose of this compact. The board shall not pledgethe credit of any compacting state without consent of the legislature thereofgiven pursuant to the constitutional processes of said state. The board maymeet any of its obligations in whole or in part with funds available to itunder article VII of this compact, provided that the board takes specificaction setting aside such funds prior to the incurring of any obligation to bemet in whole or in part in this manner. Except where the board makes use offunds available to it under article VII hereof, the board shall not incur anyobligations for salaries, office, administrative, traveling or other expensesprior to the allotment of funds by the compacting states adequate to meet thesame. Each compacting state reserves the right to provide hereafter by law forthe examination and audit of the accounts of the board. The board shall appointa treasurer who may be a member of the board, and disbursements by the boardshall be valid only when authorized by the board and when vouchers thereforhave been signed by the executive secretary and countersigned by the treasurer.The executive secretary shall be custodian of the records of the board withauthority to attest to and certify such records or copies thereof.
Article V
The board shall have the power to: 1. Collect, correlate, andevaluate data in the fields of its interest under this compact; to publishreports, bulletins, and other documents making available the results of itsresearch; and, in its discretion, to charge fees for said reports, bulletins,and documents; 2. Enter into such contractual agreements or arrangements withany of the compacting states or agencies thereof and with health institutionsand agencies as may be required in the judgment of the board to provideadequate services and facilities in health fields covered by this compact.
Each of the compacting states shall contribute funds to carryout the contracts of the board. Except in those instances where the board byspecific action allocates funds available to it under article VII hereof, itshall be the policy of the board to enter into such contracts only uponappropriation of funds by the compacting states. Any contract entered intoshall be in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the board andin accordance with the laws of the compacting states.
Article VI
Each state agrees that, when authorized by the legislaturepursuant to the constitutional processes, it will from time to time makeavailable to the board such funds as may be required for the expenses of theboard as authorized under the terms of this compact. The contribution of eachstate for this purpose shall be in the proportion that its population bears tothe total combined population of the states who are parties hereto as shownfrom time to time by the most recent official published report of the bureau ofthe census of the United States of America; unless the board shall adoptanother basis in making its recommendation for appropriation to the compactingstates.
Article VII
The board for the purposes of this compact is herebyempowered to receive grants, devises, gifts, and bequests which the board mayagree to accept and administer. The board shall administer property held inaccordance with special trusts, grants, and bequests and shall also administergrants and devises of land and gifts or bequests of personal property made tothe board for special uses and shall execute said trusts, investing theproceeds thereof in notes or bonds secured by sufficient mortgages or othersecurities.
Article VIII
The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if anyphrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to becontrary to the constitution of any compacting state or of the United Statesthe validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof toany government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby;provided, that if this compact is held to be contrary to the constitution ofany compacting state the compact shall remain in full force and effect as toall other compacting states.
Article IX
This compact shall continue in force and remain binding upona compacting state until the legislature or the governor of such state, as thelaws of such state shall provide, takes action to withdraw therefrom. Suchaction shall not be effective until two (2) years after notice thereof has beensent by the governor of the state desiring to withdraw to the governors of allother states then parties to the compact. Such withdrawal shall not relieve thewithdrawing state from its obligations accruing hereunder prior to theeffective date of withdrawal. Any state so withdrawing, unless reinstated,shall cease to have any claim to or ownership of any of the property held by orvested in the board or to any of the funds of the board held under the terms ofthe compact. Thereafter, the withdrawing state may be reinstated by applicationafter appropriate legislation is enacted by such state, upon approval by amajority vote of the board.