§ 23-14-3 - Childhood disease fund established Uses of the fund.
SECTION 23-14-3
§ 23-14-3 Childhood disease fundestablished Uses of the fund. (a) There is established a separate fund within the general fund to be calledthe childhood disease fund which shall be administered by the general treasurerin accordance with the same laws and fiscal procedures as the general funds ofthe state. The fund shall consist of sums collected as a result of the taxpayercheck-off as provided for in section 44-30-2.3. The general treasurer isauthorized to accept any grant, devise, bequest, donation, gift, or assignmentof money, bonds, or other valuable securities for deposit in and credit of thechildhood disease fund.
(b) The monies received under this chapter and §44-30-2.3 shall be made available by the treasurer annually by September 30 toqualified organizations and shall be distributed equally among all qualifiedorganizations certified by the department of health for the funding year.
(c) Upon distribution to qualified organizations, the moniesshall be used exclusively for child disease victims and their families foreligible services and emergency services. Provided, however, that qualifiedorganizations shall seek and are entitled to reimbursement from a healthinsurance program or publicly funded assistance program, for emergency serviceswhen the cost of emergency services would normally be provided for by therespective program.
(d) Any eligible organization which seeks qualifiedorganization status for a funding year shall submit an application to thedepartment of health not later than July 15 of the year for which they seekstatus. The application must include:
(1) The specific nature of the eligible and/or emergencyservices the eligible organization is proposing to provide and which group orclassification(s) of child disease victims the services are proposed to beprovided to;
(2) Eligible services that the eligible organization hasprovided in the past year or is currently providing and the annual cost of theservices;
(3) Whether the monies sought under this chapter will be usedto fund new or existing programs for eligible services; and
(4) Any other information the department of health deemsnecessary to facilitate the purposes of this chapter.
(e) Upon receipt of the annual application from eligibleorganizations as provided in this section, the director of the department ofhealth shall review each application to determine if it complies with theintent and requirements of this chapter. Upon a finding by the director of thedepartment of health that the application complies with the intent andrequirements of this chapter, the director of the department of health shallcertify that the eligible organization has been designated as a qualifiedorganization for the funding year. The director of the department of healthshall provide notice of approval or denial of certification not later thanSeptember 15 to each eligible organization that has submitted an annualapplication.
(f) The director of the department of health is authorized topromulgate any rules or regulations and prescribe forms necessary to facilitatethe provisions of this chapter.