§ 23-14.1-5 - Duties of the board.
SECTION 23-14.1-5
§ 23-14.1-5 Duties of the board. The board shall:
(1) Determine which areas of the state shall be eligible toparticipate in the loan repayment program each year, based on healthprofessional shortage area designations.
(2) Receive and consider all applications for loan repaymentmade by eligible health professionals.
(3) Conduct a careful and full investigation of the ability,character, financial needs, and qualifications of each applicant.
(4) Consider the intent of the applicant to practice in ahealth professional shortage area and to adhere to all the requirements forparticipation in the loan repayment program.
(5) Submit to the director a list of those individualseligible for loan repayment and amount of loan repayment to be granted.
(6) Promulgate rules and regulations to ensure an effectiveimplementation and administration of the program.
(7) Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscalyear, the board shall approve and submit an annual report to the governor, thespeaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and thesecretary of state, of its activities during that fiscal year. The report shallprovide: an operating statement summarizing meetings or hearings held,including meeting minutes, subjects addressed, decisions rendered, applicationsconsidered and their disposition, rules or regulations promulgated, studiesconducted, polices and plans developed, approved, or modified, and programsadministered or initiated; a consolidated financial statement of all fundsreceived and expended including the source of the funds, a listing of any staffsupported by these funds, and a summary of any clerical, administrative ortechnical support received; a summary of performance during the previous fiscalyear including accomplishments, shortcomings and remedies; a synopsis ofhearings, complaints, suspensions, or other legal matters related to thecommittee; a summary of any training courses held pursuant to this chapter; abriefing on anticipated activities in the upcoming fiscal year, and findingsand recommendations for improvements. The report shall be posted electronicallyon the websites of the general assembly and the secretary of state pursuant tothe provisions of § 42-20-8.2. The director of the department ofadministration shall be responsible for the enforcement of the provisions ofthis subsection.
(8) Conduct a training course for newly appointed andqualified members within six (6) months of their qualification or designation.The course shall be developed by the chair of the board, be approved by theboard, and be conducted by the chair of the board. The board may approve theuse of any board and/or staff members and/or individuals to assist withtraining. The training course shall include instruction in the following areas:the provisions of chapters 42-46, 36-14 and 38-2; and the board's rules andregulations. The director of the department of administration shall, withinninety (90) days of June 16, 2006, prepare and disseminate training materialsrelating to the provisions of chapters 42-46, 36-14, and 38-2.