§ 23-14.1-4 - Health professional loan repayment board.
SECTION 23-14.1-4
§ 23-14.1-4 Health professional loanrepayment board. (a) There is created the health professional loan repayment board, which shallconsist of the director of the department of health and eight (8) membersappointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Thegovernor shall give due consideration to any recommendations for nominationssubmitted to him or her by the Rhode Island Medical Society; the Rhode IslandDental Association; the Rhode Island Health Center Association; the dean of theBrown University Medical School; the dean of the College of Nursing at theUniversity of Rhode Island; the Rhode Island State Nurses' Association; theHospital Association of Rhode Island; the Rhode Island higher educationassistance authority. All appointed members shall serve for terms of three (3)years and shall receive no compensation for their services. Board members shallbe eligible to succeed themselves.
(b) The director of the department of health shall serve aschairperson. The board shall elect such other officers as it deems necessaryfrom among its members. All meetings shall be called by the chairperson.
(c) Members of the board shall be removable by the governorpursuant to the provisions of § 36-1-7 of the general laws and for causeonly, and removal solely for partisan or personal reasons unrelated to capacityor fitness for the office shall be unlawful.