§ 23-13.4-4 - "DecaBDE" study.
SECTION 23-13.4-4
§ 23-13.4-4 "DecaBDE" study. By January 2, 2007, the department of environmental management shall submit tothe general assembly a report that reviews the latest available scientificresearch to address the following issues:
(1) Whether decaBDE is bio-accumulating in humans and theenvironment, and if so, whether the levels of decaBDE are increasing,decreasing, or staying the same;
(2) How are humans exposed to decaBDE;
(3) What health effects could result from exposure todecaBDE, and are current levels of exposure at levels that could produce theseeffects;
(4) Whether decaBDE breaks down into more harmful chemicalsthat could damage public health; and
(5) Whether effective flame retardants are available fordecaBDE uses, and whether the use of available alternatives reduce health riskswhile still maintaining an adequate level of flame retardant performance.