§ 23-12-4 - Central cancer registry Reports.
SECTION 23-12-4
§ 23-12-4 Central cancer registry Reports. (a) The state director of health may enter into a contract with a non-profitorganization to establish a registry to record certain cases of malignantdisease that occur in residents of the state, and any appropriate informationconcerning these cases that it shall deem necessary and appropriate in order toconduct epidemiologic surveys of cancer and to apply appropriate preventive andcontrol measures.
(b) The state director of health shall require the reportingof certain cases of malignant disease and the submission of any specifiedadditional information on reported cases or control populations that he or shedeems necessary and appropriate for the recognition, prevention, or control ofcertain cases of malignant diseases.
(c) The central cancer registry shall maintain comprehensiverecords of all reports submitted pursuant to this section. These reports shallbe confidential in accordance with chapter 37.3 of title 5 and subject to therestrictions on release incorporated in that chapter.
(d) The state director of health shall conduct thoseactivities to prevent and control cancer among the residents of the state thathe or she shall deem necessary and appropriate and as are indicated from thefindings of the central cancer registry.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to compel anyindividual to submit to medical or department examination or supervision.
(f) The department shall make rules and regulations that arenecessary to implement the provisions of this section pursuant to chapter 35 oftitle 42.
(g) The general assembly shall annually appropriate the sumof four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for the support of the centralcancer registry.