§ 23-1.3-2 - State radiation control agency.

SECTION 23-1.3-2

   § 23-1.3-2  State radiation control agency.– (a) The director of health shall designate a unit within the department ofhealth as the state radiation control agency.

   (b) The director of health shall appoint a director of theagency, referred to as the administrator, who shall perform functions vested inthe agency pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

   (c) The agency shall for the protection of the public healthand safety:

   (1) Administer this chapter and codes, rules, or regulationspromulgated under it.

   (2) Develop and conduct policies and programs for evaluationof hazards associated with the use of radiation sources and for theiramelioration.

   (3) Develop and conduct programs with due regard forcompatibility with federal programs for regulation of by-product, source, andspecial nuclear materials, naturally occurring and artificially producedradioactive materials, and electronic products as defined in this chapter.

   (4) Have power to formulate and promulgate, amend, and repealcodes and rules and regulations, including licensing and registration ofradiation sources, persons, and services as may be necessary to prohibit andprevent unnecessary radiation; provided, however, that no code, rule,regulation, amendment, or repeal shall be adopted except in accordance with theprovisions of chapter 35 of title 42.

   (5) Advise, consult, and cooperate with other agencies of thestate, the federal government, other states and interstate agencies, politicalsubdivisions, industries, and with groups concerned with control of radiationsources.

   (6) Whenever the state emergency response plan forradiological emergencies is placed into operation, to act as the principaladvisor to the governor or his or her authorized representative regarding thedegree of potential hazard to the state's population and the necessity for andtypes of protective actions to be taken to protect the public health and safety.

   (7) Issue orders or modifications of those orders as may benecessary in connection with its proceedings.

   (8) Have the authority to accept and administer loans,grants, or other funds or gifts, conditional or otherwise, in furtherance ofits functions, from the federal government and from other sources, public orprivate.

   (9) Encourage, participate in, or conduct studies,investigations, training, research, and demonstrations relating to the controlof radiation hazards, the measurement of radiation, the effects on health ofexposure to radiation, and related problems as it may deem necessary oradvisable for the discharge of its duties under the provisions of this chapter.

   (10) Collect and disseminate information relating to controlof radiation sources including:

   (i) Maintenance of a file of all licenses for radioactivematerials or services, applications, issuances, denials, amendments, transfers,renewals, modifications, suspensions, and revocations;

   (ii) Maintenance of a file of registrants requiringregistration under the provisions of this chapter and any administrative orjudicial action pertaining to that file; and

   (iii) Maintenance of a file of all rules and regulationsrelating to regulation of sources of radiation, pending or promulgated, andproceedings on them.

   (11) Collect and disseminate health education informationrelating to radiation protection.

   (12) Review plans and specifications for radiation sourcessubmitted pursuant to codes, rules, or regulations promulgated under thischapter.

   (13) Conduct a program of measurement of appropriateenvironmental media for radiation or radioactive material whenever theadministrator shall determine that a program is warranted in connection withactivities originating within the state or in neighboring states.

   (14) Based upon information developed by the department ofhealth and provided by other departments and state agencies, disseminate on aquarterly basis the schedule for cleaning up nuclear and radioactive materialsat the United Nuclear plant in the town of Charlestown and at the sites ofother nuclear and radioactive accidents and spillages.