§ 23-1.10-9 - Voluntary treatment of alcoholics.
SECTION 23-1.10-9
§ 23-1.10-9 Voluntary treatment ofalcoholics. (a) An alcoholic may apply for voluntary treatment directly to an approvedpublic treatment facility. If the proposed patient is a minor or an incompetentperson, he or she, a parent, a legal guardian, or other legal representativemay make the application.
(b) Subject to rules adopted by the director, theadministrator in charge of an approved public treatment facility may determinewho shall be admitted for treatment; provided, however, that a person soadmitted may be held by the department for at least thirty (30) days. Thatperson shall be released at the end of thirty (30) days upon written request tothe administrator in charge of the treatment facility. If a person is refusedadmission to an approved public treatment facility, the administrator, subjectto rules adopted by the director, shall refer the person to another approvedpublic treatment facility for treatment if possible and appropriate.
(c) If a patient receiving inpatient care leaves an approvedpublic treatment facility, he or she shall be encouraged to consent toappropriate outpatient or intermediate treatment. If it appears to theadministrator in charge of the treatment facility that the patient is analcoholic who requires help, the department shall arrange for assistance inobtaining supportive services and residential facilities.
(d) If a patient leaves an approved public treatmentfacility, with or against the advice of the administrator in charge of thefacility, the department will attempt to make reasonable provisions for his orher transportation to another facility or to his or her home. If he or she hasno home, he or she shall be referred or advised to make contact with theappropriate state or federal agency for assistance in obtaining shelter. If heor she is a minor or an incompetent person, the request for discharge from aninpatient facility shall be made by a parent, legal guardian, or other legalrepresentative or by the minor or incompetent if he or she was the originalapplicant.