§ 23-1.10-7 - Standards for treatment facilities Inspections Furnishing information to department Noncompliance with standards.
SECTION 23-1.10-7
§ 23-1.10-7 Standards for treatmentfacilities Inspections Furnishing information to department Noncompliance with standards. (a) The department shall establish standards for approved treatment facilitiesthat must be met for a treatment facility to be approved as a public or privatetreatment facility, and fix the fees to be charged by the department for therequired inspections. The standards may concern only the health standards to bemet and standards of treatment to be afforded patients.
(b) The department shall periodically inspect approved publicand private treatment facilities at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner.
(c) The department shall maintain a list of approved publicand private treatment facilities.
(d) Each approved public and private treatment facility shallfile with the department on request: data, statistics, schedules, and any otherinformation that the department reasonably requires. An approved public orprivate treatment facility that without good cause fails to furnish any data,statistics, schedules, and any other information as requested, or filesfraudulent returns, shall be removed from the list of approved treatmentfacilities.
(e) The department, after holding a hearing, may suspend,revoke, limit, or restrict an approval, or refuse to grant an approval, forfailure to meet its standards.