§ 23-1.10-6 - Comprehensive program for treatment.
SECTION 23-1.10-6
§ 23-1.10-6 Comprehensive program fortreatment. (a) The department shall establish a comprehensive and coordinated program forthe treatment of alcoholics and intoxicated persons. The director shall dividethe state into appropriate regions for the conduct of the program and establishstandards for the development of the program on the regional level. Inestablishing the regions, consideration shall be given to city, town, andcounty lines and population concentrations.
(b) The program of the division shall include:
(1) Emergency treatment provided by a facility affiliatedwith or part of the medical service of a general hospital;
(2) Inpatient treatment;
(3) Intermediate treatment; and
(4) Outpatient and follow-up treatment.
(c) The department shall provide for adequate and appropriatetreatment for alcoholics and intoxicated persons admitted pursuant to§§ 23-1.10-11 and 23-1.10-12. Treatment may not be provided at acorrectional institution except for inmates.
(d) The department shall maintain, supervise, and control allfacilities operated by it subject to its policies. The administrator of eachfacility shall make an annual report of its activities to the director in theform and manner the director specifies.
(e) All appropriate public and private resources shall becoordinated with and utilized in the program whenever possible.
(f) The director shall prepare, publish, and distributeannually a list of all approved public and private treatment facilities.
(g) The department may contract for the use of any facilityas an approved public treatment facility if the director, subject to thepolicies of the department, considers this to be an effective and economicalcourse to follow.