§ 23-1.10-4 - Duties of department.
SECTION 23-1.10-4
§ 23-1.10-4 Duties of department. The department shall:
(1) Develop, encourage, and foster statewide, regional, andlocal plans and programs for the prevention of alcoholism and treatment ofalcoholics and intoxicated persons in cooperation with public and privateagencies, organizations, and individuals and provide technical assistance andconsultation services for these purposes;
(2) Coordinate the efforts and enlist the assistance of allpublic and private agencies, organizations, and individuals interested inprevention of alcoholism and treatment of alcoholics and intoxicated persons;
(3) Cooperate with the department of corrections and board ofparole in establishing and conducting programs to provide treatment foralcoholics and intoxicated persons in or on parole from penal institutions;
(4) Cooperate with the board of regents for elementary andsecondary education, board of governors for higher education, schools, policedepartments, courts, and other public and private agencies, organizations, andindividuals in establishing programs for the prevention of alcoholism andtreatment of alcoholics and intoxicated persons, and preparing curriculummaterials for use at all levels of school education;
(5) Prepare, publish, evaluate, and disseminate educationalmaterial dealing with the nature and effects of alcohol;
(6) Develop and implement, as an integral part of treatmentprograms, an educational program for use in the treatment of alcoholics andintoxicated persons, which program shall include the dissemination ofinformation concerning the nature and effects of alcohol;
(7) Organize and foster training programs for all personsengaged in treatment of alcoholics and intoxicated persons;
(8) Sponsor and encourage research into the causes and natureof alcoholism and treatment of alcoholics and intoxicated persons, and serve asa clearing house for information relating to alcoholism;
(9) Specify uniform methods for keeping statisticalinformation by public and private agencies, organizations, and individuals, andcollect and make available relevant statistical information, including numberof persons treated, frequency of admission and readmission, and frequency andduration of treatment;
(10) Advise the governor in the preparation of acomprehensive plan for treatment of alcoholics and intoxicated persons;
(11) Review all state health, welfare, and treatment plans tobe submitted for federal funding under federal legislation, and advise thegovernor on provisions to be included relating to alcoholism and intoxicatedpersons;
(12) Assist in the development of, and cooperate with,alcohol education and treatment programs for employees of state and localgovernments and businesses and industries in the state;
(13) Utilize the support and assistance of interested personsin the community, particularly recovered alcoholics, to encourage alcoholics tovoluntarily undergo treatment;
(14) Cooperate with the department of transportation andrelated agencies both state and local in establishing and conducting programsdesigned to deal with the problem of persons operating motor vehicles whileintoxicated;
(15) Encourage general hospitals and other appropriate healthfacilities to admit without discrimination alcoholics and intoxicated personsand to provide them with adequate and appropriate treatment;
(16) Encourage all health and disability insurance programsto include alcoholism as a covered illness;
(17) Submit to the governor an annual report covering theactivities of the department; and
(18) Establish alcohol and substance abuse preventionprograms for students in kindergarten through grade twelve (12), in accordancewith § 35-4-18. The director shall make an annual report to the governorand the general assembly on the administration of the program and shall submitto the governor and the general assembly the results of an independentevaluation of the alcohol and substance abuse prevention program established inaccordance with this section. This evaluation shall address the following areas:
(i) Program development;
(ii) Implementation;
(iii) Impact; and
(iv) Recommendations for future needs.