§ 23-1.10-15 - Payment for treatment.
SECTION 23-1.10-15
§ 23-1.10-15 Payment for treatment. (a) If treatment is provided by an approved public treatment facility and thepatient has not paid the charge for that treatment, the department is entitledto any payment:
(1) Received by the patient or to which he or she may beentitled because of the services rendered; and
(2) From any public or private source available to thedepartment because of the treatment provided to the patient.
(b) A patient in an approved treatment facility, or theestate of the patient, or a person obligated to provide for the cost oftreatment and having sufficient financial ability, is liable to the divisionfor cost of maintenance and treatment of the patient in an approved treatmentfacility in accordance with established rates.
(c) The director shall adopt rules governing financialability that take into consideration the income, savings, and other personaland real property of the person required to pay, and any support beingfurnished by him or her to any person he or she is required by law to support.