§ 22-14-1 - Establishment Purpose Membership Compensation.
SECTION 22-14-1
§ 22-14-1 Establishment Purpose Membership Compensation. (a) There is established an oversight commission empowered to conductevaluations and reviews of statutes, statutory entities, and associated rulesand regulations. The review or evaluation shall include, but not be limited to,the following as its objectives:
(1) The elimination of inactive entities or statutes;
(2) The elimination of entities or statutes that duplicateother entities or statutes or other governmental programs and activities ordetermination of an appropriate consolidation for the duplicate entities,statutes, or governmental programs and activities;
(3) The elimination or modification of inefficient,unnecessary, or ineffective entities or statutes; and
(4) The determination of the impact of rules and regulationspromulgated by any entity.
(b) The commission shall consist of fourteen (14) members allof whom shall be citizens and residents of this state; four (4) of whom shallbe members of the house of representatives, not more than three (3) from thesame political party, to be appointed by the speaker; three (3) of whom shallbe members of the senate, not more than two (2) from the same political party,to be appointed by the president of the senate; one of whom shall be thedirector of administration; four (4) of whom shall be members of the generalpublic to be appointed by the governor; one of whom shall be the fiscalassistant to the house finance committee; and one of whom shall be the auditorgeneral.
(c) The public members shall be appointed for terms of three(3) years except for the two (2) members originally appointed; one shall beappointed for a term of one year and one shall be appointed for a term of two(2) years.
(d) The legislative members shall serve a term of two (2)years. The members shall annually elect one of them as chairperson of thecommission.
(e) Any vacancy on the commission, occurring for any reasonprior to the expiration of the term, including, but not limited to, terminationof active membership in the general assembly, shall be filled for the unexpiredterm by the appointing authority in the same manner as the original appointment.
(f) Any member of the commission may, for cause, be summarilyremoved from office by the appointing authority, which removal shall be subjectto judicial review by the superior court, and pending that review the membershall not carry out any duties as a commission member.
(g) The director of administration, the fiscal assistant tothe house finance committee, and the auditor general respectively may designatea person to represent them at all commission meetings.
(h) The members of the commission, except those members fromthe general public, shall receive no salaries but shall be allowed reasonableexpenses in the performance of their official duties.
(i) The members from the general public shall not becompensated for service on the board.