§ 22-10-9 - Financial reports.
SECTION 22-10-9
§ 22-10-9 Financial reports. (a) Every person that engages any person to act as a lobbyist concerninglegislative matters, and the lobbyist, shall individually file with thesecretary of state a complete and itemized report of all expenditures made forthe purpose of lobbying, including, but not limited to, advertising expensesand all compensation paid to the lobbyists for lobbying, and all campaigncontributions in excess of one hundred dollars ($100) to state and municipalelected officials and state political action committees. The report shall alsoinclude any expenditure, gift, or honorarium of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) ormore for each occurrence concerning any legislative or executive official paidor incurred by the person who engages the lobbyist and the lobbyist. The reportshall include the names of the individuals receiving or in whose behalf theexpenditures have been made, and the reason, date, and place of theexpenditures.
(2) Any function to which the entire membership of thegeneral assembly, or of either chamber or of any legally constitutedlegislative committee or commission within the general assembly, is invited,which is sponsored by any person, corporation, or association having engagedany person to act as a lobbyist, or by any lobbyist, shall be deemed a lobbyingactivity, and any funds expended or incurred for that function shall be setforth in the financial report.
(3) The initial report shall be filed by the person,corporation, or association having engaged any person to act as a lobbyist andby the lobbyist at the time of their initial registration, and updated reportsshall be filed with the secretary of state by the fifteenth (15th) day of eachmonth thereafter, beginning in March until the earlier of the termination ofthe lobbyist's engagement or the final adjournment of the general assembly. Afinal report shall be filed no later than thirty (30) days after the earlier ofthe termination of the lobbyist's engagement or the final adjournment of thegeneral assembly.
(4) All reports shall be on a form prescribed by thesecretary of state, and the reports shall be open for public inspection.
(5) In the event no compensation has been paid or received,and no expenses have been paid or incurred, an annual statement to that effectmay be filed with the secretary of state in lieu of the report form.
(b) During any special session of the general assembly, everyperson, corporation, or association that engages any person to act as alobbyist, and every lobbyist so engaged, shall register within twenty-four (24)hours of the commencement of the session. The initial financial reports shallbe filed within twenty-four (24) hours after the date of the employment for thespecial session, and updated reports shall be filed every fourteen (14) daysthereafter. The final report shall be filed no later than seven (7) days afterthe date of adjournment.
(c) Not later than January 15 of each year, every lobbyistand every individual, firm, business, corporation, association, partnership, orother group which employed a lobbyist or engaged any person to act as alobbyist or who was required to register with the office of secretary of stateduring the preceding year pursuant to § 22-10-6 shall file with thesecretary of state a complete and detailed report of all money or anything ofvalue which in the aggregate exceeds two hundred fifty dollars ($250) providedor promised to any major state decision-maker within the preceding calendaryear. "Money" and "anything of value" in this subsection and in subsection (d)of this section shall mean any fee, salary, commission, expense allowance,forbearance, forgiveness, royalty, rent, capital gain, gift, loan, reward,favors or services, gratuities or special discounts, or any other form ofrecompense that constitutes income under the Federal Internal Revenue Code.
(d) Not later than January 15 of each year, every individual,firm, business, corporation, association, partnership or other group specifiedin subsection (c) of this section shall provide an exact copy of the reportrequired in subsection (c) of this section to the Rhode Island ethicscommission and to any major state decision-maker to whom it provided orpromised money or anything of value which in the aggregate exceeds two hundredfifty dollars ($250) within the preceding calendar year.