§ 22-10-8 - Identification badge.

SECTION 22-10-8

   § 22-10-8  Identification badge. – (a) There shall be issued by the secretary of state to every person who shallqualify as a legislative lobbyist, as provided in this chapter, anidentification badge evidencing qualification in the form as shall beprescribed by the secretary of state. Every lobbyist shall conspicuouslydisplay this identification badge on his or her clothing while in the statehouse at all times of the day during any legislative session, speciallegislative session, and at all times of the day during any committee meetingor joint committee meeting of the general assembly. The color of theidentification badge shall be changed each legislative year. The badge shallinclude, but not be limited to, the word "Lobbyist" in bold print as well asthe name of the lobbyist, the year, the registration number of the lobbyist,and the name of the employer.

   (b) An annual fee equal to the actual cost of preparing thebadge, but not exceeding five dollars ($5.00), shall be paid by the lobbyist.The fee shall be paid to the secretary of state at the time of registration fordeposit in the state's general treasury.