§ 22-10-3 - Exemptions.

SECTION 22-10-3

   § 22-10-3  Exemptions. – The following persons shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter:

   (1) Any elected public official or the official's designeeacting in his or her official capacity.

   (2) News media executives or their employees or agents who inthe ordinary course of business write, publish, or broadcast news items,editorials, or other comments or paid advertisements which directly orindirectly urge legislative action, if those persons engage in no otherlobbying activities in connection with that action.

   (3) Persons engaged solely in drafting legislation.

   (4) Persons who appear solely for themselves or at therequest of a legislative committee or any general officer to testify in apublic forum in support of or in opposition to legislation.

   (5) Persons whose sole lobbying activity is testifying at apublic hearing of a legislative committee or commission on behalf of anonprofit organization and who receive no compensation from that nonprofitorganization and for whom that organization expends no funds related to theappearance.